

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to express???

I do not know how to feel. Every month I hope that my wonderful aunt will NOT show up. And she does for the last 30 months she is here every time. My body likes to play tricks on me to. Like every few months I get a twisted version of morning sickness a week before she comes to visit. I get my hopes up and then stomped on by an elephant. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to handle and deal with the disappointment over and over again. I have been told you are trying to hard or "you are thinking about it to much" NONE of this helps. Thanks!


  1. You might talk to Megan Waddell about it. She went years trying to conceive and having Aunt Flo come. I'm not sure how she did it. I know they went to a fertility specialist finally and she had to wait a month before they started treatments. She relaxed that month because she knew they were going to start treatment. The next month they had to test her for pregnancy before they could give her the treatment and voila--surprise! After a very long time. Good luck girlie. I'm hoping the best for you.

  2. OH I will! Thank you I don't think I knew that. I will ask her how she handled it. Some times I just want to throw down a big old fit that would make KJ's look like she is being well behaved. But I do not think it would help. Who Knows I may pull a Megan. I have till November. It has eased my mind knowing it will get figured out. Thanks again!
